Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club

A Welsh Government funded scheme free to pupils.




Q. What time is Free Breakfast Club?

A. Doors are open for breakfast between 7.55 - 8.30am. There is a £1 charge for the period 7.55am – 8.15am. From 8.15am until 8.45am the club is free.


Q. Must the children be registered?

A. Yes, as we have a limited number of spaces available children must be registered each half term.  Parents will be informed of registration dates via newsletter and app notification.


Q. How are children supervised?

A. Ratios of supervisors to pupils are set out by the Welsh Government guidance.

Pupils who have finished their breakfast will have supervised activities provided in the school hall e.g. jigsaws, board games, drawing etc. or pupils may be supervised in the yard.


Q. What breakfast will my child be offered?

A. Breakfast will consist of the following four food groups; milk based drinks or products; cereals (not sugar coated); fruit; breads. A typical breakfast could be cereal with milk, a piece of toast and fruit juice. Drinking water will also be available at the breakfast sessions.


Q. What if my child has special dietary requirements?

A. It is important that parents provide information on allergies/special dietary requirements that their child may have. These details can be filled in on the breakfast club contract (contract can be found below) and the half termly registration form.


Breakfast Club Contract