School Council action plan (November 2022)
Over the next half term:
- Begin having Year 5/6 children coming to read to/with FP children on a Thursday (assembly) and 2.45-3.00. Mr J's class to start this.
- Children with consistently good behaviour to get rewarded - already on the cards anyway (TBC how this happens: start by trying non-uniform Fridays)
- Set up fidget toy boxes for each class for use as and when the teacher feels the children need them
- Near the end of term (date to be arranged) have a whole school Christmas cookie baking day ....each class to make their own choice.....cookies to be boxed up and delivered to local care homes/residents/children's wards at hospital
After Christmas:
- Further visits to care homes (to do activities)
- Local doorstep drop of flowers
- Whole school (or maybe Y3-6 only) to make blankets for the baby ward at the hospital - volunteers to be sought who may be willing to come into school to help with this!
- Fundraising! (See below)
- Crazy hair day (possibly after Christmas, so as not to clash with Children in Need)
- Enterprise Day (either at Easter or in the Summer) - where each class plans, makes, markets and sells something.
- Make and sell gifts for Father's Day (and possibly Mother's Day too, if possible)
- Any other ideas we come up with!
Fundraising will hopefully go towards a big project, e.g. an adventure trail or canopy – to be confirmed!